Our Story

It was in 2019 that our founder, David A Douglas first dreamed of opening an entity in Kittitas county to break down barriers and offer support toward for community members in recovery from a substance use disorder. He gathered a board and began the work of putting together the necessary pieces to bring to fruition what we have today… a vital resource in our community helping our community members in recovery support and sustain their lives in recovery.

We started with zero dollars in those early days. David had a vision and plan and he surrounded himself with others who believed in the cause. From those early days he heard again and again that our community wanted this entity to become a reality. We went from zero dollars to $20,000 to over $150,000 in the first year. Our 2024 budget is over $340,000. This speaks to the power of having a strong vision, creating a strategic plan, and following through on all fronts.

Our foot traffic and our attendance at all of our events speaks for itself. When we first opened we had a handful of attendees at our initial few programming events. Our 2023 numbers show a 363% increase in traffic at our building from the same time last year. We interacted with 1,299 peers who walked into the building. This is phenomenal growth from those very first days when we were only open for events. The need for support for people in recovery is huge and shows no signs of slowing down.

There is no way the KCRCO would be what it is today without the help of many. From our community stakeholders who have been behind us from day one, to our newest staff who have been hired to further the mission of the KCRCO, We are eternally grateful for your support and there is no way the KCRCO would have the success it does today without your help.

“With the KCRCO it really was an area I had never walked into before. I had experience starting private businesses, but the nonprofit world was one I had not navigated. I took what I know to be true in all walks of life into this venture. Do your homework, ask questions, enlist the help of others, and keep moving forward no matter what. The result is what you get to see in the beauty of the KCRCO.” -David Douglas

“I often say ‘I am just a kid from the streets of Tacoma’.....nobody special really. A guy who went from complete life turmoil with an active substance use disorder and landing in a jail cell again and again to the amazing life I have today in all ways.”

-David Douglas

#RecoveryWorks #LivesChange