Cle Elum Services

February 2024 we expanded our services to Upper County in the Catalyst Co-Working Building-Cle Elum. The KCRCO now holds business hours every Tuesday & Thursday from 9am-4pm offering peer support, recovery resources/referrals and FREE recreational events. This expansion to upper county is supported by the Kittitas County Chamber of Commerce. Contact us in the Catalyst Building on Tues. & Thurs. from 9am-4pm or in our Ellensburg office M-F 9am-4pm.

Peer Support

The KCRCO Peer Support Specialist assists and supports peers toward resources to aid in recovery. Come in and ask for our Peer Support Specialist to receive assistance!

Access to Information

Use of a desk and laptop for job and educational searches. Access to staff to help with creation of resume/cover letter or help with applying to schools or jobs.

Managing Your Money

Join us the 3rd Monday of each month from 2-3pm for Managing your Money presented by HopeSource Hope University Program! “Learn the five step process of money management. This discussion will guide you in setting goals, making a budget, increasing income, and using a spending journal to help you patch up spending.” This is a FREE opportunity to learn money saving skills, don't miss out!

Free Events

Our FREE events are led by community volunteers and provide individuals the opportunity to do something fun in a safe space with like-minded people. If you have an event you’d like to see on our calendar or want to lead an event contact

Bingo Night

Don’t miss out on Bingo the 2nd Friday of each month from 5-7pm! This is a FREE event open to all ages, dinner and prizes provided!

Lunch & Learn

Join us once a month for an opportunity to learn about topics within the recovery field. All Lunch and Learns are open to the community, lunch provided. Check out our calendar to see if we have a presentation this month!

Supported by the Kitttitas County Chamber of Commerce