What is KCRCO?

Kittitas County Recovery Community Organization (KCRCO) is dedicated to supporting individuals in recovery from substance use disorders (SUD). Our organization provides a range of services, including peer support, education, and advocacy, to help people overcome SUD and lead fulfilling lives in recovery. Since opening its doors in 2021, the KCRCO has grown into a reliable recovery resource hub for individuals and families affected by SUD in the county. Between April and December of 2022, the KCRCO saw 185 peers in the office for recovery services. Since the start of 2023 we have already seen 170 peers in our office and growing! 

One of the primary services provided by KCRCO is peer support. Our organization employs two Certified Peer Counselors who have lived experience with SUD and recovery. These specialists provide one-on-one support to individuals in recovery, helping them navigate the challenges and complexities of life after addiction. 

In addition to individual peer support, KCRCO also hosts FREE monthly events for individuals in recovery or recovery curious. KCRCO offers Recovery Yoga, Meditation Mondays, Trivia Night, Crochet with Purpose, Managing your Money, Table Tennis tournaments, Karaoke Nights and more! These events provide a safe and supportive space for people in recovery to hangout and connect with other individuals through interactive events.

Education is another essential service provided by KCRCO. The organization offers workshops and training sessions on a variety of topics related to SUD and recovery, such as Recovery Ally training, History of the Drug War  presentation, Narcan training, Housing and Employment Summits. These educational opportunities help individuals in recovery develop the skills and knowledge necessary to maintain their recovery and lead fulfilling lives.

KCRCO also engages in advocacy efforts to promote policies and practices that support recovery in Kittitas County. The organization collaborates with local government agencies, healthcare providers, and community organizations to ensure that individuals in recovery have access to the resources and services they need to succeed.

Overall, the Kittitas County Recovery Community Organization is a growing resource for individuals in recovery in Kittitas County. Through our peer support, education, and advocacy efforts, the organization helps people overcome SUD, build strong support networks, and lead fulfilling lives in recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling with SUD in Kittitas County, KCRCO is an excellent place to turn to for help and support.

Our office is open Monday through Friday from 9am till 4pm, located at 211 W 3rd Ave in Ellensburg.



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